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2016-06-18 22:02:34

Ethcore statement


Ideally, the DAO developers will find a way to extract the stolen funds without any protocol alterations (aka "hard fork"). However, such a plan, if feasible, will take time to design, test and deploy. If not feasible, an alternative approach will have to be found, quite possibly a minor hard-fork of the core protocol. Either way we have to limit the damage being done - the fastest, most effective way of doing this is through a temporary soft-fork.

A soft-fork is a minor, temporary alteration to the protocol all remnants of which can eventually be removed from the protocol with no recourse for syncing the blocks that were introduced during the period that it was in effect. Basically, it requires only the acquiescence of implementors and miners and need have no long-term repercussions, neither in terms of the code-bases nor in terms of the protocol spec.

Parity already has such a soft-fork waiting which would lock the stolen funds, preventing them from being removed, exchanged or sold.

If Christoph et al can find a way of remedying the situation through their own "attack" (DAO wars), then all is well, but what about if that is impossible or impractical? Since the DAO has no internal governance mechanism to reverse the alterations that have already happened, any kind of intervention to recover the stolen funds would take the form of a hard-fork: an alteration of the core Ethereum protocol.


A hard-fork could facilitate the return of all of the funds, dispersing them proportionately to the DAO tokens held. A remedial hard-fork could take many a form. Here's one such form: we would name a block (#1,818,181, perhaps) which would have an additional state transition, over and above transaction processing and minor reward. This state transition would have two parts:

To return any funds illicitly transferred away from the DAO through this attack. After a soft fork halts all transactions to DAO-like contracts, a list of such attacker-DAOs can be compiled and the hard fork would simply delete those accounts, transferring their balances back to the original DAO's account.To alter the code of the broken DAO contract to something that purely allowed an equitable withdraw for the (non-attacking) DAO holders. I have already authored such a contract.

We could rely on miners to help out DAO holders by switching to implementations, like Parity, which include this "vigilante" fork combination. However, to help DAO holders show appreciation to the miners for helping them, I developed a DAO Rescue Bounty contract so that such interested parties can further incentivise miners to do their part in remedying the situation.

People who care could offer up their own ether as reward to miners who switch their implementations to support the hard-fork. This contract would pay out this reward to any miner on an exponentially-reducing schedule following a successful hard fork.

If this contract were adopted, Parity (and perhaps Geth?) would be altered to automatically claim the bounty on behalf of the miner - mining may become extremely profitable for a period of time immediately following the hard-fork point. The miner who mines the hard-fork would collect some proportion of the total bounty; the miner who mines the block following would get some the same proportion of the remaining bounty &c. This feature, which we know miners are clamouring for, would also allow contract writers to incentivise miners to automatically call functions in their contracts instead of relying on Daemons.

If the hard-fork were not to happen, no miner would get anything and the deposited funds would be refundable to the parties who put them in.

The code is available for review. Fortunately, unlike the DAO, it's very, very simple.


소프트포크를 먼저 진행하고 하드포크는 마이너에거 바운티? 또는 다오의 엑스트라밸런스? 등을 주어서 베네핏을 주자라는 것 같습니다.

댓글 2
  • 마이너에게 인센티브를 주는 것도 하나의 방법이겠네요. 사실 pow 에서 마이너는 대상코인 자체의 장기적 미래에는 별 관심이 없는 경우가 많습니다. 그게 pow 방식의 큰 문제점 중의 하나이죠. 당장 수익이 많이 나는 코인을 캐는 직접적 단기적 경제적 이익이 채굴자들의 가장 큰 관심사이고 이해관계의 핵심입니다. 해시파워의 중앙집중화도 문제이지만, 코인의 미래가 장기적인 투자를 하는 보유자의 합의에 의존하기 보다는 단기적인 이익에 더 집중되어 있는 채굴자들에 의해 결정된다는 약점이 존재합니다.
    이런 상황에서 채굴자들에게 단기적 인센티브를 주어서 포크를 유도하는 것은 결국 코인의 보유자들이 채굴자들에게 영향력을 미칠 수 있는 하나의 툴이 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.

    어떻게 보면 지금 지분율이 작은 풀이 하드포크 지지를 공개적으로 선언하고 마이너들을 모으고, 이에 대해 추가적인 인센티브가 주어진다면, 급격한 채굴 시장 점유율의 변화를 가져올 수도 있을 것 같습니다. @coincoin 님이 이 옵션을 적극적으로 고려해보시기를 추천합니다. 점유율이 높은 풀들이 먼저 선언하고 나오기는 힘들겠죠. 잘못하면 기존 마이너들을 잃을 수도 있으니 말이죠. 어짜피 점유율 변화를 자체적으로 이끌어내기는 극히 어려운데, 이번에 새로 판짜기가 될 수도 있다고 봅니다.
    누가 먼저 주도권을 쥐느냐가 생명인 것 같습니다. 대세가 하드포크 쪽으로 기울면 결국에는 다른 풀들도 다 따라 올 수 밖에 없습니다.
  • @atomrigs
    좋은 의견 감사합니다 ^^
    답변 안 달았던게 생각나서 뒤늦게 와서 답니다ㅎ
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