원문부터 보면
crash the market significantly, surely down to three digits – maybe even way lower – and hold it there for a sustained period of time. The price can be manipulated to go up or down 1.000,- USD with as little as 20t-30t BTC as we’ve seen early April 2019.4 Therefore alot BTC imply overkill capacity and will not allow for the typical quick recovery.5 On top of this crash, he states that he will additionally tank the entire BTC network. Putting that into simple terms: His intention is to yank up the block difficulty6 by addding substantial hashpower right before a halvening (the next one being 05/2020) and to freeze the entire network afterwards with it:
It can be expected that many miners will naturally leave BTC at a halvening. The few remaining one’s would be put off BTC as well by the severly fallen price Wright created: The reward they receive (in US Dollars) will not justify their costs. If the price does not recover within a couple of days, they are forced to mine another coin. The consequences: Large hash power leaves BTC. The network becomes frozen for an indefinite time. Users wouldn’t be able to transfer their BTC from either Cold Wallets or Exchanges. seller purposely added Hashpower would solely process his own transactions and simultaneously empty out all newly introduced SegWit addresses that try to escape the collapsing network. Once done, his hash power will leave as well.
What are the implications?Due to the extremely high block difficulty but very low hashing power, the block processing time jumps from the current 10 minute average to a very high multiple of that. Transactions per second will drop from 7 to 0.x or below. BTC would switch from a crippled state to a severly disabled state with practically no chance of recovery: With so much hashpower gone and the market rate hitting rock bottom, the next difficulty adjustment to counter this would not take weeks but years. The coin would be prematurely dead.
어느정도 거두절미하고 요약해보면
비티시를 많이 가진 ###이 대량 투매---->비티시 폭락---->(반감기도 다가오는데 값이 폭락하니) 채굴자들 채굴포기, ---->반감기 직전에 해시추가 투여---> 반감기 직후에 추가햇던 해시를 제거---> 난이도 높아진상태에서 해시가 급락하기때문에 남은 소량의 해시로는 블럭생성불가----> 블럭이 생성되지 못하기때문에 난이도 조정 불가 지속------>피투피 거래불가------> 비티시 네트워크 사망
비트코인 가격을 3자리 까지 떨어뜨릴 것 같다는 루머가 지속적으로 돌고 있네요.
실제로 대형 채굴업체인 블록스트림이 대규모 채굴공장을 자체 도입했는데
6eh/s 정도의 엄청난 성능이라고 합니다.
여기도 나와있지만 채굴권한 정상화를 위함이고,
나와있지 않은 정보는 내년 반감기에 맞추어 이루어질 비트코인 헤시급락 공격에 대비하기 위함이라는 말도 있습니다.
루머이고 퍼드이기는 하지만 알아두어서 나쁜건 없다고 생각하기 때문에
공유해 봅니다 ^^
출처 : https://www.moneynet.co.kr/free_board/17730581
그러나 비트코인 기득권들이 좌시하지 않을거 같습니다.
그리고 비트코인 커뮤니티는 이를 해결하기 위해 하드포크를 감행할수도 있겠죠.
하드포크하면서 매블럭 난이도 조정하게 한다든지 급격한 해쉬변경에 대한 해결책이 나올거라 봅니다.
그렇기에 떡락시나리오가 나오면 돈 싸들고 몰빵할 기회가 될것같습니다.
제발 그런 기회가 주어졌으면 좋겠어요.