===========================================Miner log===========================================
2024-08-05 02:00:43 Miner compile time: Fri Apr 12 14:53:57 CST 2024 type: Antminer S19 XP sn :JYZZEAUBCJBB
2024-08-05 02:00:44 This is fix-freq version
2024-08-05 02:00:44 Miner compile time: Fri Apr 12 14:53:57 CST 2024 type: Antminer S19 XP
2024-08-05 02:00:44 Miner sn: JYZZEAUBCJB
2024-08-05 02:00:44 commit version: 02407a8d 2024-04-08 13:24:38, build by: jenkins 2024-04-12 15:42:47
2024-08-05 02:00:44 opt_multi_version = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:44 opt_bitmain_ab = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:44 mid_auto_gen = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:44 opt_bitmain_work_mode = 0
2024-08-05 02:00:44 port 439 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:44 port 454 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 440 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 455 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 441 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 456 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 438 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 453 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 446 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 port 445 already exported
2024-08-05 02:00:45 Note: front fan is power on!
2024-08-05 02:00:45 Note: rear fan is power on!
2024-08-05 02:00:45 start the http log.
2024-08-05 02:00:45 httpListenThread start ret=0
2024-08-05 02:00:45 start listen on 6060 ...
2024-08-05 02:00:45 load machine BHB56801 conf
2024-08-05 02:00:45 machine : BHB56801
2024-08-05 02:00:45 get test_loop_securely_find_asic_num failed
2024-08-05 02:00:45 get mix boardname[0][BHB56801], name:BHB56801
2024-08-05 02:00:45 get mix boardname[1][BHB56802], name:BHB56802
2024-08-05 02:00:45 get mix boardname[2][BHB56806], name:BHB56806
2024-08-05 02:00:45 bad chain id = 3
2024-08-05 02:00:48 bad chain id = 3
2024-08-05 02:00:50 power off
2024-08-05 02:00:51 ==========================capability start==========================
2024-08-05 02:00:51 board num = 3
2024-08-05 02:00:51 board id = 0, chain num = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:51 chain id = 0
2024-08-05 02:00:51 board id = 1, chain num = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:51 chain id = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:51 board id = 2, chain num = 1
2024-08-05 02:00:51 chain id = 2
2024-08-05 02:00:51 ==========================capability end============================
2024-08-05 02:00:51 chain num = 3
2024-08-05 02:00:51 load chain 0 eeprom data
2024-08-05 02:00:53 load chain 1 eeprom data
2024-08-05 02:00:54 load chain 2 eeprom data
2024-08-05 02:00:54 eeprom load ret:0
2024-08-05 02:00:54 miner:BHB56801,board_name:BHB56801
2024-08-05 02:00:54 eeprom load levels
2024-08-05 02:00:54 acceptable min_vol = 1240 min_freq = 410 max_vol = 1320 max_freq = 485
2024-08-05 02:00:54 create thread get_nonce_and_register_thread
2024-08-05 02:00:54 fixed working voltage = 1270
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [0] PCB Version: 0x0220
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [0] BOM Version: 0x0000
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [1] PCB Version: 0x0220
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [1] BOM Version: 0x0000
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [2] PCB Version: 0x0220
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Chain [2] BOM Version: 0x0000
2024-08-05 02:00:54 bad chain id = 3
2024-08-05 02:00:54 Fan check passed.
2024-08-05 02:00:54 init fan pid target=50
2024-08-05 02:00:54 max sensor num = 4
2024-08-05 02:00:54 STATUS_INITED: soc init done!
2024-08-05 02:00:54 waiting job sem..
2024-08-05 02:00:54 temperature_monitor_thread start...
2024-08-05 02:00:56 start to init...
2024-08-05 02:00:57 Wait for hashboard cool, please wait, this may take up to 2 minutes...
2024-08-05 02:02:57 Slept 120 seconds, diff = 0.
2024-08-05 02:02:57 start up min temp by 75a = 28, limit -40
2024-08-05 02:02:57 i2c_sim_init start
2024-08-05 02:02:57 init gpio477
2024-08-05 02:02:57 init gpio476
2024-08-05 02:02:57 i2c_sim_init end
2024-08-05 02:02:58 power open power_version = 0x75
2024-08-05 02:03:01 power is Calibrated
2024-08-05 02:03:01 power sn:DGAH324BCJCJD1416
2024-08-05 02:03:01 enable_power_calibration,calibration date:211208.
2024-08-05 02:03:01 will random delay 205s to avoid impact on the power grid
2024-08-05 02:06:26 start init power
2024-08-05 02:06:27 power type version: 0x0075
2024-08-05 02:06:28 disable power watchdog: 0x0000
2024-08-05 02:06:39 set_voltage_by_steps to 1300.
2024-08-05 02:06:41 bad chain id = 3
2024-08-05 02:06:43 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 0
2024-08-05 02:06:45 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 1
2024-08-05 02:06:47 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 2
2024-08-05 02:06:47 Chain 0 only find 0 asic, will power off hash board 0
2024-08-05 02:06:47 ERROR_SOC_INIT: soc init failed!
2024-08-05 02:06:47 stop_mining: soc init failed!
2024-08-05 02:06:47 uninit_temp_info
2024-08-05 02:06:47 do not read temp anymore...
2024-08-05 02:06:47 cancel thread
2024-08-05 02:06:47 ****power off hashboard****
2024-08-05 02:06:47 power off
2024-08-05 02:06:47 temp monitor thread exit
2024-08-05 02:07:07 Version num 65536
2024-08-05 02:07:07 Mask num 0x1fffe000
2024-08-05 02:07:07 Note: addrInterval or corenum is not initialized.
그동안 잘 동작하던 채굴기가 최근 정전 이후로 채굴이 되지 않습니다.
풀에서는 첨부한 이미지처럼 나오고 있고, 로그를 확인해 보니 다른 내용은 잘 모르겠지만,
2024-08-05 02:00:54 bad chain id = 3
이 문구가 눈에 띕니다.
혹시 몰라 알리에서 컨트롤 보드를 구매해서 교체해 보았지만, 결과는 같았습니다.
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