금일 받았는데 풀에 접속이 안되네요
Connecting에서 안넘어갑니다.
초기에 채굴 테스트를 한건지 기존에 입력이 되어있었던 풀에도 접근이 안되었고
현재 새로운 펌웨어로 업데이트를 하였는데도 동일한 증상입니다.
풀이랑 지갑주소로 여러가지고 변경해봤는데 안되고 한시간동안 삽질하다 포기상태입니다.
제 설정상태 첨부합니다. 혹시 틀린게 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
히어로마이너 풀로 일단 입력은 했으며 카스파 다른풀도 해봤지만 30분이 넘도록 Connecting에서 안넘어가는 상태입니다.
We are aware of the web display issues some customers are experiencing with their KS0 Ultra machines. While our technical team is working on a new firmware update to permanently resolve this problem, we recommend the following temporary solution:
Temporary Solution: Change IP Mode to Static IP
1. Access IP Settings:
- Go to the IP Settings page.
- Under IP configuration, change the Protocol to "Static".
2. If Host Name, IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS Server Are Not Empty:
- Directly enter a new static IP in the IP field and save.
3. If Host Name, IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS Server Are Empty:
- Retrieve these details from another functioning machine (such as another KS0, KS0PRO, etc.).
- Copy the information into the respective fields.
- Enter a new static IP (ensure it does not conflict with other devices; temporarily turning off other machines can help) and save.
4. Ignore Any Errors on Reboot:
- The machine may show an error upon reboot; you can ignore this.
- The machine should now reboot with the static IP settings saved.
5. Verify WEB Interface Functionality:
- After the machine reboots, check if the web interface is displaying correctly.
- If it is, change the IP settings back to DHCP.
- The machine should now operate in DHCP mode with the web interface displaying correctly.
Our technical team is actively working on developing a new firmware to permanently fix this issue. We appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
ks0 울트라 문제가 있긴한가봅니다. 홈페이지에 문의하니 이렇게 답변오네요